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Adult and Player

Swansea Little League
P.O. Box 422
Swansea, MA 02777

To contact a Swansea Little League representative for general questions concerning the league, please e-mail us at

Spectators and Parents

1. Are, through well-planned and organized efforts, made aware of the rules, regulations, policies and philosophy of Little League.

2. Are positive in any criticism of the program and are willing to volunteer their services to improve it. Present their opinions and criticisms to officers of league in a constructive manner.

3. Clearly understand the tryout system and the method of player selection.

4. Demonstrate that they recognize the effort expended by the volunteer personnel by refraining from unsportsmanlike conduct and "grandstand" managing.

5. Realize that the umpire is closest to the play and that each umpire calls them as he or she sees them. The umpire is a volunteer who has assumed a difficult but necessary role.

6. Recognize that Little Leaguers are children, not professional players, and need encouragement, not criticism.

7. Applaud good plays; ignore errors. Encourage a greater effort, initiative and hustle. Congratulate the winner; encourage the loser.

Enjoy the game for what it is. If it isn't fun... it isn't Little League!

© 2010 Swansea Little League    P.O. Box 422   Swansea, MA 02777